If you have never used Apex, or do not own the basic Arma 3, the game and all its extensions (including Apex) and DLC will have a 70% price reduction on Steam until April 21st. You will be able to travel quickly between discovered safe houses and even advance the time. The old man takes advantage of Tanoa ’s 100-square-kilometer location, where you can let go of the equipment and weapons you need and achieve any goal freely. For example, if a player is shot in the leg, they will move slower and limp. This also includes a simulated impact of injuries. Rather than blockbuster effects, it spends time simulating the impact of carrying heavy guns and equipment, realistic ammunition-consumption and terrain.
Unlike games such as Call of Duty or Battlefield Arma focuses on realism. With a total of 500,000 in cash prizes, this is a competition for the splendid people who make elite content for Arma 3 - and everyone who supports them. Arma 3 is a realistic military simulator. The old man told the story of a former veteran who resumed his operations immediately after being affected by new malaria in Tanoa.ĭeveloper Bohemia believes that this may take 10 hours to complete. Welcome to Bohemia Interactives Make Arma Not War content creation contest for Arma 3. Like the previous scenes of the game, 'Old Man' is an independent story that takes place in the game's reality-based fictional world.īundling with Apex means that the open world operation will be launched in the expanding tropical area of Tanoa. Arma 3: Apex has received free new single-player scenes.Įlderly is a new campaign, now available to owners Arma 3: Apex.